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Sosban Fach (English Translation)

(Little Saucepan)

Mari Ann has hurt her finger
And Dafydd the servant isn't well
The baby in the crib is crying
And the cat has scratched little Johnny

A little saucepan is boiling on the fire
A big saucepan is boiling on the floor
And the cat has scratched little Johnny

Mari Ann's finger has got better
A Dafydd the servant is in his grave
The baby in in the crib has grown up
And the cat rests in peace


Little Dai the soldier, little Dai the soldier
Little Dai the soldier and his shirt tail hanging out


What shirt was he wearing? What shirt was he wearing?
What shirt was he wearing? A white one with blue stripes


Mari Ann has hurt her finger
And Dafydd the servant isn't well
The baby in the crib is crying
And the cat has scratched little Johnny



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